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EVI doesn't offer Boarding in town.
We recommend Aldine Westfield Stables.
California Style Barns, with large stalls, lovely well groomed large covered arena, a large outdoor arena and nice round pen. Horses graze in gelding only or mare only herds, on well kept large, irrigated pastures, each complete with a round bale. AWS has easy access to 100's of miles of trails, while also being very close to town. Located just West of IAH, driving to AWS is relatively easy most times of the day. Horses at AWS are out days, in nights or out nights and in days, according to need. For the health and well being of current boarding horses, new boarders (horses), will have a comfortable 2 week quarantine onsite. No outside horses are ever allowed to visit. A very professionally run barn, the owner Les and stable foreman, Francisco, 'run a tight ship'. Tell Les or Francisco that Virginia Ellis sent you.
Here, in town, at Equestrian Venture's little city farm, my goal is to provide my 2 horses with husbandry and enrichment, in as natural an environment, as confinement in domesticated city life will allow. I believe our minimum pasture acreage, ideally should be 1½+ acre per horse. My two horses live out 24/7 on about 2½+ acres of modified Pasture Track, also known as a Paddock Paradise. Here, in our tropical Texas heat, I am very grateful to have a lot of shade, which also means that I have some grass, but not a lot of lush grass.* My pasture area is a long space, complete with varied and uneven terrain, natural obstacles to step over and divided areas to stroll into or around but not straight through. I forage feed grass hay and alfalfa Chaffhaye haylage. The goal is to keep them eating with their head down for tooth health and to encourage ample movement for more natural self trimming hoof care. They walk out to seek hay and walk back to seek water, many times throughout the day.
*Lush grass is not ideal. Check out for some really valuable information about grass, IR and feet
Virginia Ellis, Horseback Riding/Training Lessons 713-six94-0694 Houston, TX 77018
Ethical horse riding lessons for training and care using classical conditioning with positive reinforcement. Horse handling lessons, Working Students Volunteer, Relaxation Techniques and Exercises, Positive Reinforcement, trail riding lessons, beach riding lessons, IAH Rangers, Airport Rangers, Dressage Lessons, Horsemanship Lessons, Horse Training Lessons, Liberty work, Husbandry tasks. Lack of response, wrong response or a problem behavior is just the horse saying he doesn't understand what you want. Horse, Dog, Animal Phycology, Behavior, Communication
Are you studying, interested in IntrinZen, Panther Flow, Pain Science, One Horse Life Relaxation Techniques, CAT, BAT, R+, Clicker Training? Horseback riding near me, Horseback riding Houston
Lessons in just about anything you think your horse needs, to help make life better for both of you.
Helping Dogs with their humans
Generally speaking, we and our animals behave because, either there is something in it for us/them, or we/they want to avoid an icky consequence.
We/they are usually moving toward something desirable or away from something undesirable.
Call (please leave message): 713-six94-0694
Email: v26ellis(at)gmail(dot)com, please put LESSONS in the subject line
P. O. Box 10036
Houston, Texas 77206-0036
Riding Lessons in Town
Equestrian Ventures Training and Instruction - EVI
Inviting Experienced Riders or Working Students
*Do you have about 75 hours in the saddle?
*Have you trained any animals
using only R+?
*Do you have some knowledge of
Behavior Science?
*Are you learning to recognize the quadrants of communication and/or
how to assess core emotional states?
*Have you heard about intrinsic motivation
relevant to horses?
Want to visit or ask questions?
or email
v26ellis at gmail dot com
Volunteers, please click the Volunteer button