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R+ (positive reinforcement) means something desirable added (the learner is working to get something they want)
R- means something desirable removed
P+ means something undesirable added (the learner will work to avoid or escape discomfort)
P- means something undesirable removed (commonly referred to as N-/negative reinforcement)
They're science terms.
+ = add
- = remove
Someone can add something desirable, appetitive or physically desirable (scratching or with dogs it might be a food or to play with their favorite toy or chase a squirrel). Or someone can add punishment, leg pressure, whip, spur or emotional pressure - as in, a memory of what could happen.
Traditional horse training has always used pressure/release (also called N-) which is a combination of pressure added (emotional or physical) to create response, with the removal (release) of that pressure as the relief that becomes a reinforcer, allowing the learner to avoid or escape something more unpleasant happening. We have frequently been taught that the removal of the pressure is the reward. A reward is only something the learner wants and would find desirable/pleasurable/appetitive. Relief is only relief, like as in - whew, I'm glad that's over. (Think about how in traditional training one of the best "rewards" we can give our horse is to take a break or go put him away?)
I work with force free communication. My animals are allowed to say no, because that affords us a two-way conversation.
I don't teach riding or training that only uses traditional forms of coercion, N-/pressure/release. For that reason, anyone who wishes to have lessons in riding or training should have some understanding of behavior science/R+ criteria before sitting upon or interacting with my horses. I would be happy to have a visit. Or I'd be happy to talk on the phone anytime.
If you want to learn more about positive reinforcement R+, I would also suggest looking into Shawna Karresh Equine or Peggy Hogan. YouTube is chocked full of amazing videos by amazing people. However positive reinforcement seems to be the new buzz word. People think they can create the behavior with their traditional coercive methods and then give the animal a good boy rub or a treat and that it's positive reinforcement. But maybe it's not. The learner decides. True positive reinforcement training is done in the context of the animal always having the freedom to say NO or even walk away. The freedom of CHOICE (to say NO) is so important. Choice can create oxytocin. Coercion can create cortisol. Often there will be other resources available, such as a pile of hay the horse could choose to eat.
We're on the forefront of a huge transition in the horse industry. It happened 25/30 years ago and the dog industry, when people started using positive reinforcement with their dogs. It happened about 50 years ago in the zoo community when they figured out that they could use force free positive reinforcement, to co-create husbandry behaviors with the wild animals to achieve amazing behaviors.
At EVI, we believe that horses are more than just animals, they are sentient emotional beings. That's why we strive to create a bond of trust through giving the horses consent and choice. We believe that this bond is the key to a truly rewarding experience for the horse and the human.
Equestrian Ventures Training and Instruction - EVI
Inviting Experienced Riders or Working Students
*Do you have about 75 hours in the saddle?
*Have you trained any animals
using only R+?
*Do you have some knowledge of
Behavior Science?
*Are you learning to recognize the quadrants of communication and/or
how to assess core emotional states?
*Have you heard about intrinsic motivation
relevant to horses?
Want to visit or ask questions?
or email
v26ellis at gmail dot com
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