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Equestrian Ventures Training and Instruction
Working Student criteria
Needed 1-1½ hours a day several days a week or more.
Must live very close by.
All applicants must provide adequate references, a brief bio and how many hours you have available each week. By applying for this non paying position, you agree to submit to a background check.
A WORKING STUDENT trades work time for lessons in your choice of handling, riding, husbandry tasks, farm/pasture/stable management, animal wellbeing & relationships, etc.
Minimum level of experience: Must be at least comfortable around livestock/large animals.
Must be willing and able to endure the weather, hot or cold, wet or dry.
Experienced riders welcome, but not necessary.
Minimum work time requirement to get 1 lesson a week is 8 work hours a week, plus add about an hour and a half for lesson time.
Lesson and training time is mostly only available during the day, Monday - Friday.
Must live near N-610 and I-45N/Hwy 290
MUST have own transportation.
Please tell me your skills?
Some trades are by the job. Some are by the hour.
EXAMPLE: Get one lesson for feeding 8 times.
Feeding am or pm - a few times a week or more.
Prep for meals - any time of day.
Other job examples are:
Get a lesson for mowing pastures and clearing all weeds from under the hot-wire fence lines (2 acres - my equipment).
There are many more options ...
Seasonal needs;
car/truck/trailer washing, mower/tractor repair/maintenance, sorting, cleaning/organizing, yard care/mowing, tending fence, repairs, loading/unloading hay, etc ....
Call or email Virginia for details 713-six94-0694 v26ellis(at)gmail(dot)com
A regular 'Student' or 'Lessee' at Equestrian Ventures, would be paying for - depending entirely on experience level - lesson time and/or paying for the time spent working on their own with the horses.
A 'Working Student' at Equestrian Ventures, will be helping with barn/farm tasks, in exchange for - depending entirely on experience level - either lessons with me or working with the horses on their own.
A 'Volunteer' to Equestrian Ventures would mostly only be doing the things described in the volunteer link, such as but not entirely limited to; checking fence, tidying-up, pruning, observation of training through relaxation/meditation methods with the horses, or maybe pasture poop pick-up, feed prep or grooming. A volunteer is not at all likely to be 'working' the horses. Grooming perhaps, if truly experienced already, but would not be training or playing with the horses on their own, regardless of experience level. Perhaps a volunteer would just be hanging out, in the relaxing environment, observing, with me as I am explaining my experiences with my horses. While there could be learning experiences occurring, I will not be ‘teaching’ a volunteer, per se.
Helping Dogs with their humans
Generally speaking, we and our animals behave because, either there is something in it for us/them, or we/they want to avoid an icky consequence.
We/they are usually moving toward something desirable or away from something undesirable.
Virginia Ellis, Horseback Riding/Training Lessons 713-six94-0694 Houston, TX 77018
Ethical horse riding lessons for training and care using classical conditioning with positive reinforcement. Horse handling lessons, Working Students Volunteer, Relaxation Techniques and Exercises, Positive Reinforcement, trail riding lessons, beach riding lessons, IAH Rangers, Airport Rangers, Dressage Lessons, Horsemanship Lessons, Horse Training Lessons, Liberty work, Husbandry tasks. Lack of response, wrong response or a problem behavior is just the horse saying he doesn't understand what you want. Horse, Dog, Animal Phycology, Behavior, Communication
Are you studying, interested in IntrinZen, Panther Flow, Pain Science, One Horse Life Relaxation Techniques, CAT, BAT, R+, Clicker Training? Horseback riding near me, Horseback riding Houston
Lessons in just about anything you think your horse needs, to help make life better for both of you.
Equestrian Ventures Training and Instruction - EVI
Inviting Experienced Riders or Working Students
*Do you have about 75 hours in the saddle?
*Have you trained any animals
using only R+?
*Do you have some knowledge of
Behavior Science?
*Are you learning to recognize the quadrants of communication and/or
how to assess core emotional states?
*Have you heard about intrinsic motivation
relevant to horses?
Want to visit or ask questions?
or email
v26ellis at gmail dot com
Volunteers, please click the Volunteer button