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Equestrian Ventures Training and Instruction
About learning to train horses
Horse Training Lessons;
Every time we interact with a horse, we are creating an influence, establishing a pattern, for better or worse. Every time we walk in a stall or into the pasture, we have an opportunity to 'listen' and establish trust. At that point, from the horses eyes, it's all about comfort - emotionally and/or physically - and reinforcers.
We benefit from learning how to observe. The horse often has to learn how to learn.
Humans, characteristically, have always 'told' horses what to do, generally not giving the horse a chance to do anything else. Learn how the horse notices the subtlest things; see the horse's choice, body language, is he saying yes or no? What is our intention, how is our personal energy control, tension and relaxation.
Learn what the horse considers to be desirable reinforcers, so that you become a clear communicator.
You can learn how to notice the horse looking to you for answers and asking you questions.
You can learn how to inspire and shape behaviors the horse offers.
Learn how to tell what the horse really thinks about your interactions.
ALWAYS, ask yourself, what's in it for the horse?
Lessons in horse training are usually an hour. You can present me with a request for a specific task/behavior/problem or let me make an evaluation of where to start. The horse knows how to be a horse. The horse is doing what he thinks we are asking. The horse is doing a pattern we(or someone else) created, whether it is good or bad. The horse is doing what brings him comfort, either physically or emotionally. We can unintentionally create misunderstandings, with our lack of clarity, poor timing, acts of omission or by being in the horse's way, emotionally or physically.
Lessons in horse training can be given in many different environments and circumstances. You can use your horse or mine. See below for self assessment questions and R+ buttons.
Helping Dogs with their humans
Generally speaking, we and our animals behave because, either there is something in it for us/them, or we/they want to avoid an icky consequence.
We/they are usually moving toward something desirable or away from something undesirable.
Virginia Ellis, Horseback Riding/Training Lessons 713-six94-0694 Houston, TX 77018
Ethical horse riding lessons for training and care using classical conditioning with positive reinforcement. Horse handling lessons, Working Students Volunteer, Relaxation Techniques and Exercises, Positive Reinforcement, trail riding lessons, beach riding lessons, IAH Rangers, Airport Rangers, Dressage Lessons, Horsemanship Lessons, Horse Training Lessons, Liberty work, Husbandry tasks. Lack of response, wrong response or a problem behavior is just the horse saying he doesn't understand what you want. Horse, Dog, Animal Phycology, Behavior, Communication
Are you studying, interested in IntrinZen, Panther Flow, Pain Science, One Horse Life Relaxation Techniques, CAT, BAT, R+, Clicker Training? Horseback riding near me, Horseback riding Houston
Lessons in just about anything you think your horse needs, to help make life better for both of you.
Equestrian Ventures Training and Instruction - EVI
Inviting Experienced Riders or Working Students
*Do you have about 75 hours in the saddle?
*Have you trained any animals
using only R+?
*Do you have some knowledge of
Behavior Science?
*Are you learning to recognize the quadrants of communication and/or
how to assess core emotional states?
*Have you heard about intrinsic motivation
relevant to horses?
Want to visit or ask questions?
or email
v26ellis at gmail dot com
Volunteers, please click the Volunteer button